السلام عليكم

WTFalse i've done ?

Should i ?

( the question keeps running in my head like an aggressive child. )

I know, it was his trick again. Rite ?

( Hey ! u keep thinking bout it again ! just be yourself ! )

lost both of them. such a very excruciating nightmare.

I've told him before. But, i was disappointed by myself. Really disappointed with my own decision.
i wanna be a successful future engineer. So, i have to ! ( that was a secret )

it's freak me out !


Remind urself hawa,

Hidup penuh pengorbanan
Pengorbanan perlukan perjuangan,
perjuangan perlukan ketabahan,
Ketabahan sangat memerllukan keyakinan,
Keyakinan menentukan kejayaan,
Dan paling penting,
kejayaan juga menentukan kebahagiaan.
itu yang kau mahukan dalam hidup kan HAWA ?

 Each moment with you is just like a dream to me, that somehow come true and I know tomorrow will still be the same because we've got a life of friendship that won't ever change. Love is wonderful but education is more powerful when u successful it it. well, It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person known how you feel.

take note :
Seandainya kita dicipta untuk menjadi satu, pastu suatu ketika kita akan bertemu. Namun seandainya kita dicipta untuk tidak bersatu, walau dekat selalu awak takkan jadi kepunyaan saya.

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